Principles of customer data processing

This document outlines the purposes, composition, processing, and confidentiality of customer data held by Elcro OÜ, hereinafter referred to as Luxkristall.

Who is the customer?

An individual who has entered into a contractual relationship with Luxkristall.
What is customer data?

Customer data is any information known to Luxkristall about its customer (e.g., customer’s name, contact details, transaction data). Luxkristall collects the following data from customers for order fulfilment: name, phone number, address, email address.

What is customer data processing?

Processing of customer data includes any operation involving customer data (including collection, storage, organization, retention, modification, disclosure, providing access to customer data, making queries and extracts, usage, transmission, cross-referencing, linking, closure, deletion, and destruction).

Who is the customer data processor?

The customer data processor is Luxkristall.

Authorized processors of customer data are Itella Smartpost OÜ, Omniva (AS Eesti Post), DPD Eesti AS and Montonio Finance UAB.

In addition, Facebook, Instagram and Google Analytics are integrated with the e-shop.

What is the purpose of processing customer data?

Luxkristall processes customer data to fulfil the contract with the customer, protect its violated or contested rights, and better understand customer expectations, thereby providing customers with suitable and quality services. Data is used for order fulfilment, invoicing, sending goods, and sending newsletters.

Please be aware that if you are in our contact database, we may process your name and email address or mobile phone number for the purpose of displaying ads to you or individuals similar to you (so-called Lookalike Audience) on Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and/or Instagram.

In which cases does Luxkristall disclose customer data?

Customer data is confidential, not disclosed, and access to them by third parties is not allowed without the customer’s prior consent, except in cases provided for by law.

How does Luxkristall use customer data to provide services?

The data is used for order fulfilment, invoicing, sending goods, and sending newsletters (only to customers who have expressed the desire to receive them). The customer has the right to contact Luxkristall at any time to inform about their wish not to receive personalized offers.

How do I change my customer data and request the termination of their processing?

The customer can review the collected data by logging into their user account, both in the ‘My Account’ menu and in the order history. The customer has the right to access their customer data through email at or by phone at +372 53479676. If customer data has changed or is incorrect for any reason, the customer can modify them in the ‘My Account’ menu.

The customer has the right to demand the cessation of processing and/or deletion of their data if such a right arises from data protection legislation or other applicable laws.

Where can I get additional information about the processing of customer data?

If you wish to receive a more detailed explanation regarding the processing of your customer data, please call us at +372 53479676 or write to us at